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Welcome to Holly Gage Design Studio

I'm Holly Gage, a Contemporary Metal Clay Jewelry Artist, Private and Group Jewelry Instructor, Jewelry Business Mentor, Author, and Speaker. It's no secret I love what I do!


The need to create is an essential and personal form of my self-expression. Miniature sculptures, pictorial scenes, and symbolic use of materials and imagery replace words as a form of communication. I welcome others into my world by means of my Silver Metal Clay jewelry designs in an effort to share an intimate slice of life, idealistic thought, or
deep emotion.


I enjoy sharing the creative process with other Metal Clay jewelers, by offering jewelry classes, mentoring, tutorials, and tips on creating with Metal Clay. So, if you are looking for a uniquely original experience, you’ll feel right at home.

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To contact Holly
Lancaster, PA USA

© 2024 Gage Designs. All rights reserved. This site and all jewelry designs, artwork, and information are protected under copyright law. Reproduction in whole or part are prohibited.

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