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All levels of ability

For a beautiful piece of jewelry to truly shine the metal, the gems and the design play front stage, while the finish plays the support role. Although no less important, a poorly executed finish can diminish the quality and perceived value of the piece. Is it rustic or is it a poorly finished piece? There is a difference and your viewer knows it, so don’t make the mistake of allowing the finish to be an afterthought. The finish also supports the statement the piece is trying to make. Is the piece sharp and edgy or is it soft and romantic? A well conceive piece has a finish helping to define the tone, and allow it’s magnificence to shine in the spotlight verses it’s flaws.

Learn about:

  • Prefinishing Metal Clay greenware techniques
  • Different rotary tools available
  • Polishing basics
  • Different rotary tool heads for different surface finshes
  • Getting in nooks and crannies
  • Studio safety

Materials List: Rotary Tool, Googles, Dusk mask, 3/32 collet, 1” rotary brass or steel brush, 1” rotary brass or steel crimped wire brush, Fiber brush, 3/32 Screw mandrels for radial bristles, 3M disk radial bristle polishing (blue, pink, peach, green) Eve® Rubber Polishing Wheel for Silver Cylinder and Knife Edge Coarse (White), Eve® Rubber Polishing Wheel for Silver Cylinder and Knife Edge Medium (Black), Eve® Rubber Polishing Wheel for Silver Cylinder and Knife Edge Fine (Blue), Eve® Rubber Polishing Wheel for Silver Cylinder and Knife Edge Super Fine (Pink), Polishing pins and 3/32 mandrel, Bench Pin, Ring Clamp or vise , Polishing compound, and cotton string.

(Note: Advantage® brand silicone rubber wheels mentioned in the tutorial have been discontinued and replaced with Eve® brand)


Professional Finishing Techniques by Holly Gage

  • Lessons are in a PDF format are for students who need no teacher guidance with the lesson. You do, however, have an option to purchase a 1 hour question and answer session by appointment.

    To purchase a private session in addition to the self guided lesson, select the "A Private Session with Holly Gage." separately. You can select how many sessions you would like. Sessions are live on the Go to Meeting platform. This option is for seeking answers to questions and have an interest in seeing  Holly Gage perform select demonstrations.

    ©2021 Gage Designs. All rights reserved. This lesson and information within are protected under copyright law. Sharing or reproduction in whole or part are prohibited.

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To contact Holly
Lancaster, PA USA

© 2025 Gage Designs. All rights reserved. This site and all jewelry designs, artwork, and information are protected under copyright law. Reproduction in whole or part are prohibited.

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